Maya and Chihiro confront each other.

Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin (Occult Academy) episode 11 dares to go places you wouldn’t have guessed. As this series moves towards its conclusion, passions, bubbling below the surface, erupt, Fumiaki is seduced, beaten, and abandoned, Maya is killed, and a white witch emerges.

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Finally, hard evidence of alien visitors!

In episode 7 of Occult Academy (Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin), we tag along with Maya, as she attempts to get information on the alien invasion. Prepare to be amazed!

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The vice-president indulges in her romantic fantasy.

Episode 4 of Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin (Occult Academy) delivers more Maya kicking ass, the true story behind #6, the rescue of Kozue, and more rabu-rabu forĀ Uchida.

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Aah, love.

The third episode of Occult Academy (Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin) brings some changes in focus, structure, and tone. Whereas previous episodes have focused on Maya, this episode mostly deals with Bunmei-kun (AKA Abe Minoru), who, it turns out, likes to be called Fumiaki. Whereas previous episodes completely tackled a single problem within the episode (both previous episodes saw the vanquishing of some sort of monster), this episode sets up such a monster (called a tengu), then mostly abandons that thread, leaving us feeling like this was more of a two-parter. Whereas previous episodes could be described as horror-comedies with some action, this episode was a … romantic comedy?

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Camera phones can take lousy pictures.

Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin episode 2 was just as much fun as episode 1. This Horror-Comedy-Action show has really gotten off to a good start. While episode 1 introduced Maya and the academy where the series is located, episode 2 introduced Uchida, the time agent sent back to 1999 to save the future.

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And from the sky came a pillar of fire.

Occult Academy (Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin) is a story about saving the world by preventing something bad from happening in 1999. Perhaps you have heard of an impending doom associated with the year 2012? Occult Academy is the story of how the world of 2012 will try to avert the crisis by sending someone back to 1999 to prevent the tragedy from occurring. I happen to love stories like this, and so far, I’m happy to say, this series is off to a good start.

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